Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog Post 14



1.No, I did not know about wolframalpha.
2.No, I did not know about Google squared.
3.The United States is 22.8% of China’s population.
4.The United States is 25.4% of India’s population.
5.My opinion about Do You Know did not change. Statistics reinforce the fact that technology should be encouraged in the classroom.
6.I think I will use wolframalpha .I think it is very helpful and convenient to have ready access to populations and also the other services that wolframalpha has to offer.

My Question: What percentage of Israel’s population is male and what percentage is female?

50.12% of Israel’s population is male. 49.88% of Israel’s population is female.

1 comment:

  1. Brianne,

    Interesting facts! Just to make sure, was this supposed to be Blog Post #14 if you did the Wolfram Alpha search for #13? This was a new assignment and I am sure YOU are right, I just wanted to make sure!


    Rebekah Lloyd
