Sunday, December 4, 2011

C4T 4

Cool Cat

Cool Cat Teacher

For the past two weeks I have been reading and commenting on the Cool Cat teacher blog written by Vicki Davis. Vicki Davis, is a mother and full time teacher in Camilla, Georgia. The first post that I read on her blog, Vicki Davis listed a lot of different links that she thought were helpful to teachers. She first lists the link and then either comments on or summarizes it. I personally thought the 9 ways to start a 9am meeting on time link the best because one of my biggest pet peeves is being late. I told Ms. Davis that I really liked her blog and thought it was very helpful and she wrote me back thanking me for commenting.

In the second blog post, Ms. Davis tells about a former student who wrote a letter to her about another one of his teachers. The student, Jessy Irwin states that the reason he is writing the letter is to publicize the work that one of his favorite teachers, Professor Boyer, is doing. The student writes about how Professor Boyer has used YouTube and other forms of media to attract stars and famous people to do interviews with his class of more than 3000. Professor Boyer even managed to get the leader of a peace movement in Burma to do a Skype interview. The student has great things to say about his favorite Professor, but the reason that Ms. Davis posted the letter was because of the emphasis the letter puts on technology in the classroom and how Professor Boyer has made great use of it. I wrote Ms. Davis and told her that I really enjoyed the post and that I looked forward to hearing about the interview.

C4K Summary Post-November

C4K #11

This week I was assigned to comment on Mr. McClung’s class blog. Mr. McClung is an eighth grade teacher at Woodland Jr. High in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I viewed a google power point presentation in which Mr. Mc Clung had created for his class on the Renaissance. I found the presentation to be very interesting. I commented on the blog post telling Mr. Mc Clung and his class thank you for sharing the interesting and helpful information on the renaissance. I stated that I always loved learning about the Renaissance period and enjoyed the post very much.


This week I was assigned to comment on Miriam’s blog entitled “Mariam’s Magical Moments”. Miriam is a student in Mrs. Yollis’ third grade class in Las Angeles. In her blog post, Miriam shared one of her special family recipes. Miriam shared how to make Piroshki. At the end she asked what the viewers liked to bake on rainy days. I really enjoyed learning how to make Piroshki and I loved the pictures she posted of herself making it. I commented on Miriam’s blog post telling her thank you for sharing her special family recipe. I told her that I would consider making Piroshki sometime. I also stated that I loved to bake chocolate chip cookies on rainy days.

C4K #13

This week I was assigned to comment on Dante B’s Blog. In his post, Dante told of his experience at Camp Bentzon. Dante described many activities that he was involved in at camp, but specifically told of how he enjoyed learning how to sail. I comment Dante’s post telling him of how much fun Camp Bentzon sounded. I stated that I thought it was so neat that he learned how to sail. I told him that he was a great writer and to keep up the great work.

Blog Post 14



1.No, I did not know about wolframalpha.
2.No, I did not know about Google squared.
3.The United States is 22.8% of China’s population.
4.The United States is 25.4% of India’s population.
5.My opinion about Do You Know did not change. Statistics reinforce the fact that technology should be encouraged in the classroom.
6.I think I will use wolframalpha .I think it is very helpful and convenient to have ready access to populations and also the other services that wolframalpha has to offer.

My Question: What percentage of Israel’s population is male and what percentage is female?

50.12% of Israel’s population is male. 49.88% of Israel’s population is female.

Final PLN Report

Final Project 16